Courier Fees: Delivery fee is calculated at checkout 

Courier Delivery: Delivery can take between 3  to 7 working days depending on your area. Returns Policy

  • Due to the nature of the goods sold stock is to be returned within 7 days
  • Please contact us immediately so we can contact our courier partner to collect the defective product.
  • If we do not collect it we will refund you 
  • If any goods are damaged in transit, please inform us immediately.

Please note as these are food products, they will deteriorate over a short space of time if not stored correctly. 

Please refrigerate immediately if storing for more than one month.

In the case of damaged or defective goods, we may require you to return the goods to us at our cost for quality control purposes.

If anything is short in your order, please inform us immediately.

Refunds will be done on any missing or short items and not replacements.

Our returns policy should be seen as an appeal to all our customers to proactively manage their stock to the best of their abilities to enable The Walnut Pantry to maintain our highly competitive pricing structure!